7 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening [Explained]

7 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening [Explained]

Did you know that there are essentially 7 stages of spiritual awakening that you might experience during your spiritual journey? You’ll also find that some people may go through the same stage a number of times while others may only experience each one once during their current life cycle. Let’s look at each of the…

20 Spiritual Benefits Of Long Hair For Guys [Explained]

20 Spiritual Benefits Of Long Hair For Guys [Explained]

Are you considering growing your hair and have you wondered whether there are any spiritual benefits to this? Many different spiritual beliefs around the world suggest that there are certain spiritual benefits of long hair for guys. Those who have studied the Christian texts would remember the story of Samson and Delilah where Samson lost…

9 Ringing in The Left Ear Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

9 Ringing in The Left Ear Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

Picture this. You’re sitting at your desk in your office and you suddenly experience a ringing in the left ear. What can this mean? Many superstitions say that a ringing in the ear means that someone is talking about you. But, can there be spiritual meanings associated with a ringing in the left ear? You…

10 Spiritual Meanings Of Smelling Lavender

10 Spiritual Meanings Of Smelling Lavender

Lavender is a lovely Mediterranean plant that many people around the world like to grow in their gardens. There’s no mistaking the lovely scent of the small gray-green leaves and the purple flower spikes are simply gorgeous. Lavender grows naturally in Spain, southern France, and the hills of northern Africa. All parts of the plant…

12 Ringing In The Right Ear Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

12 Ringing In The Right Ear Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

When you suddenly notice a ringing in your right ear, it will most likely make you stop and wonder why this is happening and what it means. While this could have a physical or medical explanation, more commonly, it is likely to have some spiritual significance. More often than not, ringing in the right ear…

15 Mongolian Spot Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

15 Mongolian Spot Spiritual Meanings [Explained]

If you know someone or have heard of someone born with a Mongolian spot, you might wonder if there are any spiritual meanings associated with this. There are numerous spiritual meanings associated with a Mongolian spot and these are all positive signs of a strong spiritual connection. Many cultures believe that someone who is born…

Mole on Your Nose Spiritual Meaning [More Than a Beauty Spot?]

Mole on Your Nose Spiritual Meaning [More Than a Beauty Spot?]

Could the mole on your nose be significant? Yes! According to Samudrika Shastra (the study of body marks and their meanings), a nose mole can indicate an impulsive, attractive personality. Depending on the mole’s exact location, financial success or hardship may be in your future.  Why Study Nose Moles? Trying to find a hidden meaning…

9 Spiritual Meanings of Amber Eyes [Fiery Positivity!]

9 Spiritual Meanings of Amber Eyes [Fiery Positivity!]

As a child, I had a friend with the most captivating eyes I had ever seen. They were a warm amber color that seemed to glow in the sunlight. I remember being mesmerized by them and always wanting to know more about what they might signify! Now, years later, I find myself still drawn to…