12 Spiritual Meanings Of Gold [Prosperity!]

spiritual meaning of gold

Like all the colors in the rainbow, gold has many different spiritual meanings just as it has important meanings in the material world.

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In our everyday lives, gold is regarded as one of the most valuable precious metals and is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

In the spiritual world, gold has similar meanings but also a few others that you may not be aware of. Let’s investigate some of the spiritual meanings of gold so that you can better understand the significance of this auspicious color.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Divinity

As you would imagine, gold is regarded as a symbol of divinity. In many different cultures, it is reserved for deities because it’s believed that gold has divine power and represents the ultimate source of spiritual energy.

In Egypt, gold was always associated with royalty and only specially qualified people were allowed to handle gold. Ancient Egyptians also believed that gold had the ability to protect the spirits of those who had passed away. This is one of the reasons that ancient Egyptian tombs are often filled with gold artifacts.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Wealth

This is also another very obvious meaning as gold is also a symbol of wealth in the material world. In fact, it’s interesting to know that gold as a precious metal has retained its value better than any other form of currency.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Purity

Gold as a precious metal is found naturally in nature and often in its purest form. For this reason, gold can be seen as a symbol of purity as there is nothing like it on earth. In spiritual terms, gold is also often associated with spiritual purity.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Renewal

Because gold can easily be melted down and used to create all manner of shapes and items of jewelry, it is also regarded as a symbol of renewal. In other words, it can easily be transformed into something totally new and unique.

This also means that gold can be seen as a symbol of transformation. Once again, because it can easily be melted down and reformed into something new.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Abundance

In the material as well as the spiritual world, gold has always been seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Additionally, gold is believed to be abundant in nature so it can often be seen as a symbol of abundance.

So, if you need some more abundance in your life right now, consider surrounding yourself with the color gold. Interestingly, this is also a color that is often used in Chinese Feng Shui, where practitioners of the art display items such as golden cats in order to bring in more abundance.

You’ll also find other golden animal statues adorning the entrances of Hindu temples. And, the Hindu god Ganesh, is often seen as a golden statue.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Illumination

There’s no denying the luminosity of gold once it’s cleaned and polished to show off all of its glory. That’s why gold can also be seen as a symbol of illumination. This can also refer to spiritual enlightenment as gold is often regarded as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Protection And Strength

As gold is a hard metal, it was often used in ages gone by to make armor and shields to protect those going into battle. Therefore, gold can also be seen as a symbol of protection.

Additionally, gold is regarded as a symbol of strength because it resists corrosion and was used in the past to create tools and weapons that were incredibly strong.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Endurance

We know that gold is a strong precious metal that is basically resistant to wear and tear. This would indicate that gold could also be regarded as a symbol of endurance.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Fertility

Many cultures around the world also regard gold as a symbol of fertility. This is because gold can easily be fashioned into useful tools that can be used to make new objects.

Gold Is A Symbol Of Permanence

We already know that gold has immense strength, durability and endurance and is not easily prone to corrosion or excessive wear. For this reason, this precious metal can also be regarded as a symbol of permanence. It symbolizes something that is here to stay.

Gold Represents The Sun

When you see the sun in the sky, it has a golden glow that warms the earth and gives life to animals and plants. It’s no surprise then, that the color gold is always associated with the sun.

This also means that gold is associated with the highest level of spiritual development.

The Color Gold Symbolizes Happiness

Spiritually speaking, the color gold is regarded as a happy and cheerful color. It is also often associated with blessings and certain cultures offer their deity gifts that are colored gold because they believe that this will allow them to receive blessings from their gods.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does gold represent love?

Although gold as a precious metal is usually associated with luxury and wealth, it can also often be associated with love as well as magic and wisdom.

Is there a gold chakra?

The ninth chakra is colored gold. This chakra sits above the head and is like a golden ball that is constantly spinning. It is believed that this chakra contains the blueprint of your soul as well as all the abilities and skills that your soul has attained during its many lifetimes.

What does gold mean in astrology?

In astrological circles, gold is regarded as the color of positivity and optimism. It’s also associated with enlightenment and wisdom.

Final Thoughts

Gold is certainly an auspicious color both in the material and spiritual worlds. It’s often seen as a symbol of wealth and prosperity and also as a sign of illumination, protection, renewal and endurance.

Gold is used by many cultures around the world as a way to bring in more abundance and prosperity by using it to adorn homes, temples and other spiritual or religious entities.

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